GED Tests Should Be Taken From Accredited Testing Centers
Obtaining a high school degree is advantageous for further advancement in either education or career for many obvious reasons. Adults who have not been able to complete their high school education can now look into earning a General Education Degree (GED) which is the equivalent of a high school diploma. This can be seen as an achievement worth working for. For some people, however, taking GED classes that will qualify them to take the GED test is not easy to do due to the lack of time and inability to be excused from work. This is why many individuals look to the internet for online GED programs and more especially GED tests online.
Online GED classes are a great way for working adults to complete the GED classes and make them eligible to take the test. These classes provide great flexibility, and allow individuals to study within the confines of their own home in their own time and at their own pace. It is more manageable and feasible, and the costs are not very steep.
While there are GED classes being offered online, this is not the case for taking the GED test. Many individuals have been deceived by online programs that supposedly offer GED tests online, after which the diploma gets sent to the individual by post.
Test-takers must be wary of these websites that are prevalent in the internet today. They usually offer everything online from tuition to testing to the actual GED diploma from a range of $200 to $850. These diploma mills are mostly interested in taking money rather than providing consumers with quality education and operate without supervision of a state or professional agency. The illegitimate degrees they give out may cause problems for the applicant when applying for college or seeking employment.
As of this time, valid GED tests are done only at official GED testing centers all over the United States and Canada. For this test to be valid, the taker must be physically present taking the pencil and paper test that is administered by a proctor. The GED certificate must be issued jointly by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Online GED tests are only being offered as an option to students residing outside the United States and Canada who want to qualify as a high school graduate.
For potential test-takers who are still looking at answers online, there are still legitimate GED preparation programs that offer a great resource. These programs offer sample tests, tutorials, support groups and preparation classes. There is a vast amount of resource that can still be found at a click of a mouse, but test-takers must do their research and make sure that they are applying to a legitimate online program. If there is any uncertainty, it is best to look at your local Department of Education website or the American Council on Education’s website.
Only after earning the General Education Degree these individuals can earn the same recognition as a high school graduate.