Parents Look to Tutors
Over the last several years there has been an increased demand for tutoring. Reasons for this increase includes various economic and social problems such as a decrease in public school funding, bullying, peer pressure, and even teacher apathy. Parents can no longer rely on the school system to ensure the individual needs of their children are realized. As a result, parents look to tutors to ensure the academic needs of their children are met for several reasons.
Tutoring allows parents to receive honest feedback about their child’s academic needs. An experienced tutor can evaluate a student’s needs more thoroughly than a classroom teacher because they have more time to devote to individual students. Tutors can also thoroughly assess academic abilities and design tutoring programs that will bridge any gaps in their education. Tutors also have a unique advantage that results from working with students individually. Tutors are able to gain an understanding of how their students learn best and employ various strategies to accommodate divergent learning styles.
Tutoring also allows parents to become more involved with their child’s education. Parents often have difficulty finding time to meet with classroom teachers and often are not made aware of academic problems. As tutoring takes place in the home it allows parents a chance to receive feedback about their child’s progress and provides them with an opportunity to give feedback. As parents become more involved in their child’s education they become aware of the difficulties they have, whether they are putting in the effort they should be, important deadlines, and etc.
Another reason parents look to tutoring involves the teaching of academic skills. The teaching of certain academic skills such as time management, study habits, organization, and goal setting are absent in the school system. most often students are expected to somehow innately develop these skills on their own. Many students do not possess this ability and without having a mentor to model these skills, it can be a daunting task.
Tutoring allows parents a chance to become involved in their child’s education and provides them with honest feedback regarding their child’s academic needs. Tutoring also helps students bridge any gaps they may have in their education and teaches essential academic skills. Parents look to tutors to fulfil the academic needs of their children and will continue to do so well into the future as economic and social problems plague our school systems.